This is me in the middle of building a sundeck off the living room of our house in Bowie, Maryland, USA. (Click HERE to see a pic of the finished structure and patio!)
I have been collecting military watches since 1982 and will admit to owning over 150 issue pieces including US, British, Dutch, Czech, New Zealand, Rhodesian, Polish, German, Japanese, Canadian, French, Swedish, Australian, Saudi and Russian. I try to limit my collecting to military issue wristwatches but I've been known to have my resolve weakened by the sight of a special military pocketwatch. I've been a member of NAWCC (National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors) for many years.
My wife, Jean, and I are retired after many years in public education. Jean taught elementary school and I administered the school system's testing program in 200+ schools.
I am a watch collector and not a watch dealer. The watches on this site are sometimes duplicates in my collection or watches in which I no longer have an interest. Some I am posting for friends who also collect military watches. Hope you see something you like!